Peter Blinn
I’ve practiced nothing but Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Debtor Protection Law for over 35 years. My paralegal and I dedicate ourselves to doing an excellent job, but we also share the desire to really listen, give advice, and make each client happier.
I grew up in extremely modest circumstances. I have a first-hand understanding of the stresses that finances can put on a person or a whole family. It’s scary to know that there just isn’t enough money to go around. I try to make things better in life, one client at a time.
I attended the University of Florida both for my undergraduate degree and my law degree. While in law school, I served as an editor on the Law Review. And although I’m proud of my academic credentials and my reputation in the legal community, I’ve found that there are things that are much more important and rewarding as an attorney and counselor-at-law. These include a strong desire to listen, to learn about my clients’ lives, and to help find a way to address their fears and achieve their goals.

Jessica Hill
21 years with the Law Office of Peter C. Blinn