Bankruptcy or Asset Protection (credit card debt cases)

Bankruptcy is a court case. We file pleadings with a federal bankruptcy court. We ask for an order declaring debts to be discharged.

To get that order, you must be willing to open up about your life so that we can show you are entitled to a discharge of your debts. In return for a discharge, there may be assets that you must surrender to the court. For those who qualify, bankruptcy can be a great tool to provide a fresh start.

Asset Protection Cases are not bankruptcy, and do not go through the bankruptcy court. Instead, we develop a plan where I will assist you in dealing with your creditors preferably out of court. This is often used for credit card debts. We will have your creditors call me instead of you. You will have me on retainer so that I can advise you along the way. A debtor protection case is generally designed for someone who may not qualify for bankruptcy or would have to give up too much in assets by filing bankruptcy. Many times, such people can stay protected under the Florida laws with my guidance.

Deciding which type of case is right for you may seem overwhelming. I will advise you on all of your options and create a plan that works best for you.

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